Creation. |
WATER (2010)
70 minutes
An abundant shore said, although I have lived long, it never became clear who I am. An ebbing wave suddenly rose and said I exist when I am moving, it is Only when I don’t move that I don’t exist -Iqbal Lahuri Water, go rivering is an inquiry into the invisible thread that connects the way we all relate to the world around us. In an investigative attempt to cross cultures and time, this choreography has emerged from the introduction of ancient water rituals to the contemporary world of Heidi, Lucy, Yvonne, and I. The process was masterfully nurtured by our creative facilitator, Katherine Duncanson. The music is a marriage of classical Persian compositions by Pirouz Yousefian and the global village musician Eric Cadesky. The video arts/projection was created simultaneously with the sensitive vision of Jeremy Mimnagh. Choreographer: Sashar Zarif Music composition: Eric Cadesky and Pirouz Yousefain Stage Manager: Shawn Henry Lighting Designer: Sashar Zarif and Shawn Henry Costume Designer: Sashar Zarif Creative Facilitator: Katherine Duncanson Outside Eye: Sashar Zarif solo: Susie Burpee & Katherine Duncanson Video Art: Jeremy Mimnagh Original Dancers: Lucy Rupert, Heidi Strauss, and Yvonne Ng PREVIOUS SHOW POSTERS PHOTOS PREVIOUS PROGRAM
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