Creation. |
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” Rumi
I carry in me an old man, a young son, a lost child, and a forgotten soul the body re-enters the earth and memories flow down like forbidden tears the breath becomes them and the search begins. Choreography: Sashar Zarif Dramaturgy: Elizabeth Langley Concept Development: Katherine Duncanson Costume: Sashar Zarif Recorded music: Omur, Kirkiz Composition by Toqtoqul PHOTOS POETRY to begin to depart and arrive I kneel for permission I enter the mirage savvy and sure my love affair with the earth and my war with the heavens I want to stay I believe in the garden in my gut full of red apples and silent nightingales suffocated leaves green and yellow falling and roiling and rising again singing the breath this is the moment that the breath becomes me and the search begins the search begins in the back alleys of my retired soul worn out yet vibrant circling the womb I came from rising up the well that i am sinking in wanting a black eye beauty to take his bow-shaped eyebrows of faith and engine the delicate arrow of his lashes and let it go through the emptiness of my sanctuary i for one need to be twisted not stretched i need to fit myself between the emptiness of these seconds and the flow of this time that i do not believe in i need to give into gravity that feels like a burden just to understand the privilege of standing up i need to exist in the space in between my joints in the dust and in the dirt and in sparkles of fire that take me from rawness to ripeness down into ashes the cycles begin again flowing me up calming me down calling me what I need to be called i have my sorrows wounds that i just can not touch i do not even know what they are i keep them under my arm warm and hidden vulnerable and sheltered and preserved. Sashar Zarif – December 2014 |